Author Archives: Sara Evanchick

Just Say No…

Since Xander’s surgery, he’s been on a couple of different medications. We’re weaning him off one of them right now. Turns out, one of the side effects is drowsiness.


So THAT’S why we haven’t had any trouble getting him to take naps and he’s gone to sleep at night without complaint.


Judging from the drama that ensued at bedtime last night, I think it’s safe to say that those days are over – at least until he gets used to falling asleep on his own.


New bedtime slogan: Hugs, not Drugs.  🙂

Back to my roots…

I recently resigned from my ministry position to stay at home with the cutest baby on the planet.

Exhibit A

Of course, youth ministry is in my blood so I couldn’t give it up completely.  After 6 years of vocational youth ministry, I’m volunteering again.

I show up, love teenagers, and go home to my family.

Somewhere along the way, during these past few years, I misplaced my passion. I’m not sure if it was hiding under the staff meeting agendas or the fundraising letters or the newsletter articles or the book I was required to read about leadership (I won’t share the title because it’s not worth reading).

Wherever it was hiding, it’s nice to have it back.

It’s weird to say that I’m glad I’m no longer getting paid to do youth ministry, but I am.  Being a volunteer … rocks!

Sometimes mommies have to be brave.

Truth: I watched too many crime shows when I was younger. Once I moved out on my own, I quickly realized that they freaked me out too much so I stopped watching them.  But I had already seen enough.  Now, I hate being home alone at night – and my husband started his month long temp job yesterday … working overnights.

Add in a 3 month old baby and a middle of the night thunderstorm.

Thankfully, Xander slept through the whole thing and we never lost power (unlike most of the town).  I’m actually not sure what I would have done if the power had gone out – there definitely would have been tears and quite possibly a call to my mom begging her to come over and play boggle by candlelight.

I’m happy to report that with all the downstairs windows closed and the deadbolt in use, we survived our first night. I even managed to sleep for a few hours, once the storm died down.

I wonder what I could watch to counteract all the crime shows.  Maybe this…


Tim got a call from the temp agency tonight.  They have a job for him that begins on Monday and lasts a month.

He’ll be teaching the Mexican Hat Dance at Arthur Murray.

Juuuuust kidding.  🙂

He’ll be working overnights which will be an adjustment for us – but we’ll take it!

God is SO good!!